It's a dog's life...

It's a dog's life...

Friday, 5 March 2010

Random happenings...

We still haven't had the results back from Cambridge as to what sort of a tumour Tango had. We are hoping no news is good news, although of course we still hear only the 'but.'

Tango was back at the vets on Wednesday and then again today as she developed a reaction to the stitches and had a mild infection in the wound. She happily rolled onto her back for her tummy to be tickled/examined and today was no bother at all when the stitches were removed. She is a delightful dog, her temperament with people is second to none. The vets all adore her, as does the receptionist...infact everyone who meets her seems to fall under her spell. She is one of 'those' dogs and she absolutely soaks up the attention, bless her. Once people also know she is a rescue...well...

Cosmo is the total opposite. Despite being exceptionally well socialised as a puppy he is much more aloof than Tango. He has his 'people', the ones that are in his 'circle of trust', he adores them and any attention from them, but if you are not in his circle, you can try as hard as you like, he isn't interested in you! It's embarrassing sometimes as he is an exceptionally handsome dog, with a very waggy tail and so people are drawn to him, but he won't even look at them, he just isn't interested! Thankfully now we have Tango I can redirect people onto her. That generally means I get to walk a lot more than Neil (who usually has Tango) as she can generate small crowd! Cosmo and I can head for the hills with my son!

A bizarre thing happened today on the way out of the vets, a pigeon fell out of the sky and landed just by Neil! It was in a bad way, so Neil popped it into the vet to see if anything could be done, sadly not. How weird though...totally random!


  1. Oops ...the aloof thing thats's Renn !!!
    They are looking amazing Ailsa x

  2. Thanks :-)
    I admit it is a picture from about October!!
    I really like the aloof thing, if nothing else it makes me feel special!!!
